hariyalivatakara@gmail.com +91-7594949908, +91-8075899478

Cleanliness Centre

Hariyali Haritha Karma Sena has a centre to demonstrate the use of various composting methods,devices and such other techniques for composting,green energy and waste management protocol.


Municipality through its Harithakarma Sena runs a centre for training,technology demonsrtration and transfer and for repair and service related to Waste management, Water resources management , Energy management , and Agriculture. A Water clinic to promote rain water harvesting, well recharging, water quality testing, an Agri Clinic for renting out agricultural implements and to function as a farm advisory centre, Energy Clinic to promote energy efficient equipment,environment friendly gadgets, promotion of solar energy, conducting energy audit etc also forms the part of the centre. An Up- Cycling centre and Waste Management Clinic promote recycling of articles, up-cycling to produce different items out of such waste materials and repair of composting devices.

Boat to fish out waste from water bodies.

Harithakarmasena has a boat operator from the women members itself, to fish out the floating waste from important water bodies of the Municipality.Accordingly we have cleaned Karimpana thodu having 2.8 kilometre long and about 7 metre average width.


The livelihood opportunity of 63 kudumbashree women are empowered by earning Rs 12,000/ per month as salary, bonous,incentives and pension benefit form LIC. The effect of this project made a tremendous confidence among the kudumbashree group members.