hariyalivatakara@gmail.com +91-7594949908, +91-8075899478

About us

Waste Converted To Wealth

  A socially committed Kudumbasree Woman oriented team under Vatakara Municipality registered as a society as well as non-governmental organization works towards the promotion of sustainable development. It was established in 2016-17. Hariyali started its activity in 1St january2018 at Vatakara Municipality. The Registration Number of the organization is KKD/CA/567/2018 Dated 09-08-2018. Our activities are concentrated to eradicate Bio degradable and Non Bio degradable waste emphasizing on scientific management and public involvement for Urban and Rural local bodies as well as to private institutions.

We concentrated door to door waste collection, segregation and then promote Reuse after Repair, Promote Up-Cycing of various products, Campaigning against disposable articles like Thermocol Plates, Plastic Glasses and Cups etc complying to green Protocol and afterwards Ultimate recycling. We have Green Technicians for promoting Agriculture Farming, Pisciculture ( Fish Farming ) , Rain water harvesting techniques, Repairs of source level solid waste management equipment like Biogas Plant, Aerobic Compost ( Thumburmuzhi) ,Wormicompost , Windrow Compost etc.


Now HARIYALI group is a model to other Local Self Govt. institutions in managing the solid waste through environmentally and economically sustainable way. At present, considering these activities and systematic management in the waste management sector, Govt of Kerala decided to approve Hariyali as Haritha Sahaya Sthapanam wide GO No. HKM/A2/625/2018 Dated 28-11-2018. With the help of our technical guidance and involvement, Vatakara Municipality became a replicable model in Kerala State and Municipality bagged 16 coveted awards during the last four years as listed below;

  • National Quality Assurance award for Primary Health Center
  • National Rural Innovation Conclave Award.
  • National Award of Odisha Govt. for alternate eco-friendly products.
  • State award for Waste free Municipality
  • State level Kaya-Kalpa award for Public Health Center
  • State Pollution Control Board award
  • Haritha Keralam Mission, Chief Minister’s award
  • State Level Award for Water Conservation
  • Life Mission Award for Completed Residence for Houseless People
  • Malayala Manoram district level "Pennoruma" Award
  • Kozhikdode Dsit administrative award for Solid Waste Management.
  • Suchithwa Mission award for "Pachathuruthu"
  • Malayala Manoram state level" Pennoruma" award
  • Nabard – Manorama Jala Puraskaram
  • State level award of Haritha Keralam Mission for solid waste management.
  • Asia Pacific Earth Day award


The project “Clean city Green city Zero waste Vatakara”was started on December 1st 2017 . It aims the collection of segregated non-bio degradable waste from houses and commercial establishments. Council entrusted the task to kudumbashree. A group of 63 women named “Hariyali haritha karma sena” was formed through interview and physical endurance test from five members from each ward from a list which approved by the ward sabha.They were given mass training programme in personality development along with organizational setup in each ward till January 2018.


The project emphasizes a scientific management and public involvement programe. In this , we formed clusters of 40-50 houses in a ward headed by a cluster leader supported by 5 selected members named as Suchithwasena in a cluster in the ward, there is ward committee as an apex body of the cluster headed by the ward councilor as chair man and a convener named as green ward leader. This system made public involvement in the household waste collection by collecting user fee as Rs 50 from houses and Rs 100 from commercial establishments. A pamphelet containg 12 pages explaining zero waste project method were distributed Eighteen thousand houses and Seven thousand shops.


For disposal of bio degradable waste, we distributed bio gas plant, ring compost,kichen bin, bio bin, bucket compost, pipe compost..etc to each houses. Established 22 Nos.of aerobic compost unit(Thumboormuzhi) at various location of the city. Non degradable things where separated. To obtain primary segregation from the source it self we adopted a calendar for the year, viz plastic bags in January, plastic bottle in February, glass items in March, E- waste in April, clothes in May and other articles like chappels ,bags in June and the every six month the cycle is repeated Materials from the clusters or from wardwise MINI MCF were collected in vehicles and transported to MRF situated at the heart of the city. The sorting of non degradable waste are done to 32items, Likeplastic bottiles, MLP, PET, LDPE(print), LDPE(Plain), PP(Plain) , HDPE(colour) , HDPE(plain), BSK, KDK, Hardboard , BB ,Waste paper , Old cloth, footware, tyre , E-waste etc. After sorting , the balance plastic waste is shredded by shredding machine and sorted items bailed and kept in the individual racks at MRF. For the shredded plastic we obtained Rs 20 per kg, which can be used for construction of plastic roads. The sorted items are sold by inviting tender for the separate articles


Earlier people used to dumb waste on road side and burned the plastic. But after implementing the project we could overcome this situation


It is estimated that the total solid waste generated is 18.30 tonnes per day of which degradable bio waste is 8.54 tonnes and that of non bio degradable dry waste is 9.76 tonnes per day 22 Thumboormuzhi aerobic composting units installed in places like bus stand, market, near municipal office, and in schools address the issue of 1 tonne of biodegradables from public places and markets. Organic waste of 7 tonnes per day from 14760 households which accounts for 82% of the total households is handled at source through compost pits, kitchen bins, biogas plants, bucket composter ,pipe compost etc. Thus there is facility to process 8 tonnes of organic waste per day and there is a gap of 0.54 tonnes from the remaining 18% households for which project have been proposed during the financial year, there by achieving 100% processing facility for organic waste.
The total quantity of non degradables produced is 9.76 tonnes per day of which 8.54 tonnes is systematically collected and processed, the details of which are as follows
1. From door to door collection from 16650 houses (92%) – 7 tonnes per day
2. Street sweeping – 0.14 Tonnes per day
3. From other establishments – 1.40 Tonnes per day
Altogether 8.54 tonnes of non bio degradable waste is collected per day . Even then, there is a gap of 1.22 tonnes per day which needs to be addressed and the Municipality look forward to bring them also in to the system thereby making it 100 % coverage Hariyali HarithaKarmasena has diversified there activities in to subsidiary income generating activities in addition to the door to door waste collection .


Hariyali Haritha Karmasena has diversified their activities in to subsidiary income generating activities in addition to the door to door waste collection .They are summerised as follows.


The unit is run by 5 trained members of the Haritha Karma Sena who produces items like cloth bag ,fish bag...

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This facility repair those electronics items like television, mixer grinder and such other electronics...

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Harith karma sena runs a swap shop through which items with little repairing can be handed over to the people...

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In order to comply with Green Protocol the centre provides such items like plates, glass and other utensils...

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HKS has a wing of Green Army comprising of 5 members who are available for services related to Agriculture and farming...

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Hariyali Haritha Karma Sena has a centre to demonstrate the use of various composting methods,devices and such other...

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Municipality through its Harithakarma Sena runs a centre for training,technology demonsrtration and transfer and for repair and service related to Waste management, Water resources management , Energy management , and Agriculture. A Water clinic to promote rain water harvesting, well recharging, water quality testing, an Agri Clinic for renting out agricultural implements and to function as a farm advisory centre, Energy Clinic to promote energy efficient equipment,environment friendly gadgets, promotion of solar energy, conducting energy audit etc also forms the part of the centre. An Up- Cycling centre and Waste Management Clinic promote recycling of articles, up-cycling to produce different items out of such waste materials and repair of composting devices.

Boat to fish out waste from water bodies.

Harithakarmasena has a boat operator from the women members itself, to fish out the floating waste from important water bodies of the Municipality.Accordingly we have cleaned Karimpana thodu having 2.8 kilometre long and about 7 metre average width.

Our Mission

The project Clean city Green city Zero waste Vatakara was started on December 1st 2017 .It aims the collection of segregated non-bio degradable waste from houses and commercial establishments.

Our Plan

Muncipal Council entrusted the task to kudumbashree. A group of 63 women named Hariyali Haritha Karma Sena was formed through interview and physical endurance test from five members from each ward from a list which approved by the ward sabha

Our Vision

For disposal of bio degradable waste, we distributed bio gas plant, ring compost,kichen bin, bio bin, bucket compost, pipe compost..etc to each houses.

Our Care

The livelihood opportunity of 63 kudumbashree women are empowered by earning Rs 12,000/ per month as salary, bonous,incentives and pension benefit form LIC